Emotions are said to be the springs of actions. Like smell in the flower, emotions are involved in almost every action of a human being. It has a significant role in guiding and directing our behaviour as well as relationships. It impacts a person’s mundane routine, personal and professional relationships. Such people prioritise themselves and are empathetic to others too. They have clarity of mind.   Hence create a balance between head and heart.

The term emotional intelligence is a process involved in the awareness and management of self and others to solve emotional and relationship issues.

Often people with lack of such qualities lose control in personal or professional situation simply because of poor decision-making skills and judgement. Thus, by losing temper or be silent may lead to various psychological problems like anxiety, stress, anger, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse etc. which furthers results in anti-social behaviour like having drugs, affairs, homicidal and suicidal tendencies.

The sources of these acts are an emotional imbalance or emotional instability, lack of good interpersonal relationships, unhappy childhood and trauma. A person with such traits may have a history of molestation, abuse, violence and bullying. These factors affect a person’s ability to think, feel and behave efficiently.

Emotionally Intelligent person has an ability to know, feel and judge emotions in close cooperation with ones thinking process. Such a person’s ultimate aim is mutual happiness and prosperity and behaviour is mostly in tune with others. They are more cooperative and have better social skills and have higher marital satisfaction and understanding. They practice anticipation, contentment and better quality of life.

Emotionally healthy people acknowledge and accept themselves with all their strength and weaknesses. They apply consequential thinking before making any decision. Person’s having no emotions are just like crippled in terms of living their life in a robotic way or is like a machine or can be termed as dead.

Emotionally intelligent people are top performer, team player and creative. They are receptive to change and have better retention at work. These kinds of people often enjoy healthy relationships personally and professionally. For an individual’s emotional well being, it is absolutely vital to learn how to recognise and regulate their own emotions. In fact, the inability to do so may contribute to being one of the primary reasons that personality issues are considered psychiatric disorders rather than simply cognitive.

By increasing our own Emotional Intelligence; we easily recognise patterns and alter our behaviours to better handle emotions, situations and people. This also is incredibly important to understand what we want to do and what we don’t and what we can bear and what we can’t. We live in an age when we can earn a certification in any number of topics to boost our career, thanks to technology, but sadly we are unaware we need this one badly. That’s something we have to address as individuals, to recognise it as important, choose to improve it and continue to work on it.

Dr Nisha Khanna as a Psychologist/Marriage Counsellor proffers online, telephonically  and face to face Counselling Services. If you are living in Delhi, India or any other part of the World, you can approach us through any of these mediums. For further details visit Bye Tense, or call us at +91-9818211474